Date Fajr Sunrise Dhuhr Asr asr_s asr_h Maghrib Isha


Support us by donating to the cause.

Reading Muslim (formerly Reading Muslim Council) is a registered charity which leads the local community on pressing issues. Our trustees and support network have full time professional jobs, and while we’re full of ideas and passion, we are keen to grow Reading Muslim’s reach and activities by hiring part/full time staff that can continuously make impactful changes to our society.

To do this, we really need your help in raising funds. We’ve also invested heavily in audio gear for the Palestine rallies across Reading. You can transfer donations directly to our bank account below.

Reading Muslim Council
Metro Bank
Sort Code 23-05-80
Account Number 52611202

Please note that we have divested our funds from our old HSBC account, which we no longer use. If you still have our old bank details saved, please update/delete them.

Online donations via debit/credit card and membership subscriptions coming soon.