Cultivating your life’s mission statement
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Date: Thursday 25th July at 6pm
Topic: Cultivating your life's mission statement
Zoom link:
We will use this week's session to continue on the theme of Personal & Professional Development.
The session will be led by Maryam Hussain, who will talk about the importance of connecting to our values to form our unique and personal life's mission statement.
The session will be about helping you to cultivate your internal understanding of why you're doing what you're doing. Finding your leadership purpose is about connecting to your values, your hopes, and your worldview.
It's what matters to you, and by understanding what matters to you, you can intentionally make choices and take action to get closer to living the life which is authentically aligned with your values and your purpose.
Please share with others. The session is free and open for all to attend, regardless of faith or background.
Maryam is a human rights solicitor by background. She currently works in the NGO space, leading on child abuse/exploitation prevention through public sector consultancy interventions and training.
Maryam also runs a private practice offering coaching services, in the areas of executive coaching and life coaching. She is professionally qualified and accredited with an Advanced Diploma through the Academy of Executive Coaching.
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